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What Case Managers/Counselors Should Know about Students with OCD

Why this is important: Case management staff should have knowledge about students with obsessive personality disorder. This provides them with critical information to better understand the symptoms of this disorder and how to be more effective with in conversations. This course will offer practical, easy to understand information about obsessive compulsive disorder and how the related behaviors may manifest through confrontations around community behaviors, conflicts, academics, and finances.


Description: This micro-learning course offers research-based, practical advice for case managers to better understand how obsessive-compulsive disorder may manifest in their support work with students. Examples provided will highlight the repetitive touching of surfaces, obsessive thoughts leading to frequent/repetitive questions, and impacts these behaviors may have on other students. Common myths about OCD will be dispelled and we will discuss how to redirect behaviors and refer students to a multidisciplinary, behavioral intervention team and provide referrals to community resources.


Case managers will be able to:

  • Identify the various ways OCD symptoms may manifest with individuals
  • Understand how case management staff may be able to help redirect and dispel rumors within the community about students with OCD behaviors
  • Identify ways to set boundaries during conversations and respond to odd or repetitive behavior concerns that are brought up by faculty, staff or other students
  • Get out in front of problems by identifying issues before they escalate
  • Know how to refer students to the multidisciplinary behavioral intervention team


This course can also be purchased as part of the Mental Health Bundle.


Please note, these trainings are designed for counselors working on a college campus providing crisis support and guidance to students. They are often referred to as non-clinical counselors or counselors who work under FERPA rather than state confidently laws.

What Case Managers/Counselors Should Know about Students with OCD

Coming late winter/early spring 2023
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